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Issue type not configured


An issue appears in the troubleshooting section with the category ‘Issue type not configured' and a message containing, e.g. ‘Issue type “Bug” is not configured to accept sync updates.’


The error occurs in the following scenario:

  • The advanced setting sync.unsyncedIssueTypes is empty or set to “Any Direction“ or “Configured Direction“

  • The issue type on the partner side has changed to an issue type that is not included in the sync.

Detailed Example

  1. You are syncing project A and project B with:

    • Bug ↔︎ Bug

    • Task ↔︎ Task

  2. You create a Bug PA-1, which creates PB-1

  3. You update PB-1 to issue type “Story“

  4. You update a field, e.g. description, on PA-1

  5. The update is send to PB-1 but can’t be received properly as the issue type Story is not on the incoming side


There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • Switch the issue type back to an issue type that is included in the synchronization

  • Switch the setting sync.unsyncedIssueTypes in the advanced settings to “All“

After, you can retry the error message.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.