System properties
In this article you can find an overview of the different system properties you can use to modify certain Backbone behavior. This includes restricting Backbone to certain projects, not automatically starting the sync on a Jira restart and modifying the Backbone thread pool parameters.
To change the system properties, you need to have access to the file system of your Jira system. Please refer to Atlassians help article on how to set system properties.
Restricting Backbone to certain projects
By default, Backbone is accessible on every project. If you want to restrict it to be only available to certain projects you can set the following:
Set enableBackboneForAllProjects to false
Specify the key of the project you want to sync, in a comma separated list, for backboneProjects
More details can be found here: Restrict Backbone usage to certain projects. If you are interested in restricting Backbone to certain users you can find more information here.
Stop synchronization when Backbone is restarted
By default, when you restart Jira, all synchronizations will automatically restart. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can set the following:
Set restoreBackboneStatusAfterJiraRestart to false
More details can be found here: Stop synchronizations when Backbone is restarted
Modify Backbone thread pool parameters
Backbone Issue Sync uses an internal thread pool to run all synchronizations. In rare cases, e.g. when you have a large number of synchronizations running, you need to overwrite the default parameters. To do so, you can alter the following:
backboneThreadPoolMaxPoolSize (default is 10)
backboneThreadPoolMaxQueueSize (default is 1000)
Please don't overwrite these values unless you absolutely need to. More details can be found here: Modify Backbone thread pool parameters
Control on which Data Center node Backbone runs
In a Jira Data Center environment, Backbone runs all its sync jobs on one node. By default, Backbone will pick randomly which node this is. If you want to control which node(s) are eligible for running them, you can configure the following:
configuredBackboneNodes with a list of node ids which are allowed to run the sync jobs, e.g. node1,node2
For more details how Backbone works in a Data Center environment, you can also checkout this blogpost.
Define a custom password for Backbone's keystore
In a Jira Data Center environment, Backbone stores authentication details for all the synchronization users in the database. In order to not store plain-text passwords, Backbone uses encryption to encrypt all its passwords in the database. These passwords are encrypted with a generated key which is stored in a file named backbone-keystore.pfx which is located in JIRA_HOME/data/backbone-issue-sync. The access to this file is protected with a default password. If you want to define your own password, you can define the following system property with your password: