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Supported Jira versions

This article explains what versions of Jira can be synchronized with one another using Backbone Issue Sync.

Jira 10.2 and Higher

For Jira 10.2 and higher, please make use of Personal Access Token (PAT) to prevent performance issues. You can find more information here.

Data Center ↔ Data Center

Backbone Issue Sync supports Jira Data Center versions 8.13 and higher. All supported versions can be synchronized with each other – e.g. you can synchronize a Jira 8.20 instance with a Jira 9.x instance.

For non-behind-firewall syncs, we will still offer unofficial support for older versions - although they are no longer part of our regular testing process. We therefore strongly recommend to upgrade to a supported version.

Note for the behind the firewall configuration

If you're using the behind the firewall configuration, please make sure that you're using the matching Backbone version for your Jira version. Atlassian's UPM should guide you in choosing the correct version matching your Jira version. Please check the table below for more details on which version to use:

Jira Version

Backbone Version (example with 5.10.0)

8.4.x and below*


8.5.0 - 8.5.3, 8.6.0, 8.6.1, 8.7.0, 8.7.1*


8.5.4, 8.7.2 (and higher patch version)


8.8.0 - 9.12.x


9.13 and higher


* Make sure to use a non-Oracle JDK

Data Center ↔ Cloud or Cloud ↔ Data Center

All supported versions of Jira Data Center can be synchronized with Jira Cloud and vice versa. In this case, a synchronization needs to be configured on the Jira Data Center side. Please read this Synchronize Jira Data Center with Jira Cloud which explains the initial setup steps and best practices. However, please note that Synchronization over email or file exchange are not supported.

Cloud ↔ Cloud

Also Jira Cloud instances can be synchronized with each other. This is documented in the cloud section of our documentation. 

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