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Server to Server (with Backbone)→ Cloud to Server (with Backbone)

This article guides you through the steps to take for the migration of a Server to Server (where Backbone is configured) synchronization to a Cloud to Server (where Backbone is configured) synchronization.


Things to Keep in Mind

  • The synchronization has to be set up on the Server side

Migration Steps

These steps assume the following setup:

  • Project SA - project that should be migrated from Server to Cloud

  • Project CA - project SA after it has been migrated from Server to Cloud

  • Project SB - partner project on Server

Step-1: Export your synchronization data

  1. Stop the original running synchronization

  2. Export the synchronization config for this synchronization

  3. Download the synced issue data for this synchronization (open the synchronization config and click ••• > Download synchronized issues)

Step-2: Migrate your server project to the Cloud

Migrate the project SA using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. We’ll call the new Cloud project in this guide CA.

Step-3: Prepare the exported data for Cloud

Perform a Backbone Cloud Migration preparation with the files created in step 1.2 and step 1.3

Step-4: Create a new synchronization

  1. Go to Project SB and start a new sync with project CA

  2. Import synchronization config that you exported in step 1.2

  3. Pair the issues (click ••• > Pair existing issues >  Pair existing issues synced with Backbone before)

    • Upload the file output.json from step 3

    • Make sure to keep “update sync info panel“ unchecked

  4. In the synchronization config, check every tab ('Issue types', 'Fields - mappings' etc.) for validation errors – these will appear in yellow warning boxes. These warnings can appear due to custom IDs (issue type IDs, field IDs, etc) being different in the new Jira instance. Find any errors and correct them.

    1. Note: if you are using a user field mapping, make sure to set it to "User Passthrough Mapping (by email)"

Step-5: Start the synchronization

  1. Start the new synchronization

  2. In the new synchronization, trigger a resync in both directions (with only the summary field, so the resync doesn't take long). This is done in order to recreate the information in the sync info panel.

  3. Once you have verified everything is working correctly, delete the original synchronization. This will also delete the old information in the sync info panel.

Still Unclear? Reach Out to Us

If you need help with any of these migration steps, reach out to us via

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