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Create and Manage Custom Templates

Using custom templates means you can export Confluence content as PDFs and have full control over the content's look and feel.

Before you start creating custom templates, check out the PDF Template Library to see what's possible for your Confluence exports. 📚 To the Template Library →

Users can manage templates in two locations:

  • Confluence Administrators can manage default and global templates on the global template management screen at General configuration > Scroll PDF Exporter > Templates

  • Space Administrators can manage all available templates for a particular space by navigating to that space, and clicking Space tools > Apps > Scroll PDF Exporter:

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 11.04.48 (2).png

The Type column displays the type of the template. There are four types of template:




Default template


Default templates are bundled with Scroll PDF Exporter – they can be used in all spaces, and cannot be edited or deleted, but can be hidden via advanced plugin properties.

Global template


Global templates can be used in all spaces. Confluence Administrators can create, edit and delete them on the global template management screen.

Space template

Space templates are only used in the space where they were created. They can be edited or deleted by the Space Administrator that created them, and by all Confluence Administrators.

Deprecated template


Deprecated templates are templates created in Scroll PDF Exporter 3 and earlier. You can edit and export deprecated templates, but you can't make new ones.

We recommend migrating deprecated templates to Scroll PDF Exporter 4, as support will be dropped completely in a future version.

In the Actions column, you can carry out several actions to manage templates:


Relevant templates



Space, Deprecated, Global

Confluence Administrators can edit all space, deprecated and global templates, and Space Administrators can edit space templates they have created and all deprecated templates.


Default, Global, Space

All Space Administrators and Confluence Administrators can copy all templates. When Space Administrators copy global templates, they are created as space templates.



Confluence Admins can move a space template to a different space within the same Confluence instance.



Download a template to Create and Manage Custom Templates#import


Space, Deprecated

Confluence Administrators can delete all space and deprecated templates, and Space Administrators can delete all space templates they created, and all deprecated templates.

In the Visibility column, admins can toggle whether an export template should be made available for use from the export dialogue.

Import a template 

Import as global template

Confluence Administrators can upload templates as global templates by clicking General configuration > Scroll PDF Exporter > Templates > + New Template > Upload

Import as space template

To import a downloaded template file as a space template, open the relevant space, and click Space tools > Add-ons > Scroll PDF Exporter > + New Template > Upload

Create a template

Space Administrators can create a new space template by clicking + New Template button on the space templates screen and then selecting Create new. Confluence Administrators can create global templates by clicking the + New Template button on the global template administration menu.

Next steps

When you create and edit your new template, you can:

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