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Template Library: A User's Guide

Scroll PDF Exporter showcases a growing Template Library, providing inspiration for possible use cases, and making it easier to get started with the app.

Before you start with this guide, ensure that:

  • Scroll PDF Exporter is installed on your Confluence instance

  • You have Confluence admin and/or Space admin permissions

  • If you don’t have admin permission and Scroll PDF Exporter isn’t installed, you can simply submit an app request to your admin directly from Confluence

Getting Started

To use the Scroll PDF Exporter template examples provided in the K15t Template Library simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on the template use-case you’re interested in

  2. Select Download template file - a *.data template file will be downloaded

  3. Navigate to your Confluence instance and navigate to either the global or space template list for Scroll PDF Exporter (learn more)

    1. Global template list is accessible via Confluence Administration >  Scroll PDF Exporter > Templates

    2. Space template list is accessible via Space settings > App links > Scroll PDF Exporter

  4. In the template section, click the Upload button

  5. Choose your *.data template file and confirm the selection

After this, the template example will appear in the template list and you can further edit the template by clicking on it.

Next Steps

To maximize the effectiveness of the export template examples we provide it is useful to have some basic understanding of the features that both Scroll PDF Exporter and Confluence offer.

The following articles provide some introductory information for the important things you should know before exporting your content from Confluence.

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