Change the Positioning of the Scroll Title Caption
You can change the positioning of the Scroll Title caption in the export, so that is positioned above the table/figure, by modifying the Scroll Web Help Theme or your own template.
Before you begin: To change the positioning of caption, a template must exist.
To change the positioning of captions so that they are rendered above tables in the exported HTML file:
- Open your template folder.
- Go to src > main > resources > com.k15t.scroll.scroll-webhelp-theme > scroll-html > table.vm in your template directory.
Replace the code in the file with the following example:
Caption Positioned Above Table
CODE#if($renderStart) <div ${idAttribute} class="tablewrap"> #if($element.title) <div class="caption">$stringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml($element.title)</div> #end <table $classAttribute.with($> #if($element.Colgroup.size() > 0) <colgroup> #foreach($col in $element.Colgroup) <col #if($col.Width) width="${col.Width}${col.MetricHtmlSymbol}"#end/> #end </colgroup> #end #else </table> </div> #end
- Save the table.vm file and rebuild the template by executing the atlas-package command in the terminal.