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Comala Document Management (Ad-hoc Workflows) Integration

When creating your Export Scheme, and a workflow is activated, you can define if you want to export only published versions.


Please note that the Comala Workflows integration does not work in spaces managed with Scroll Versions and you need at least version 4.8.0 or higher of Comala Workflows.

To export only published pages, for example using Scroll CHM Exporter:

  1. On a Confluence page, select your desired export format from the Tools menu – e.g. Export to CHM.
  2. Click Customize Settings, and choose Comala Workflows. When creating or editing Export Schemes, you can also enable Comala Workflows support the same way.
  3. Activate Option Only published versions.
  4. Click Start Export

The exported pages depend on the user permissions and the status of the checkbox:

User PermissionWorkflows CheckboxExported Pages
User can see all pages(error)The latest versions of all visible pages are exported.
User can see all pages(tick)Only the pages in status 'public'.
User can only see pages in status 'public'(error)Only the pages in status 'public'.
User can only see pages in status 'public'(tick)Only the pages in status 'public'.
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