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Indexing Terms with Labels

Labels are the default way in Confluence to categorize wiki pages. The Scroll Exporters can generate indexes from Confluence labels. Therefore labels are used as index terms, which point back to the place where the Confluence page is exported.

For example:

  • In a PDF, the index term will point to the page in the PDF, where the content representing the Confluence page starts.
  • In an EclipseHelp plugin, the index term will point to the topic representing the Confluence page.


To label a page:

  1. Open the page you want to insert a index term.
  2. Click the little pen icon in the lower right corner of the page. You can also press L.
    The screen Labels is displayed.
  3. Enter the wanted index term and click Add.
    (info) The index terms are automatically capitalized in the export. You do not have to write your index terms case-sensitive.
    By default, a label is converted into a primary index term.
  4. To generate a secondary or tertiary index term, insert a forward slash character between the index terms.

    • The label fruits/pineapple will be converted into a primary index term 'Fruits', and a secondary index term 'Pineapple'.
    • The label fruits/apple/haralson will be converted into a primary index term 'Fruits', a secondary index term 'Apple', and a tertiary index term 'Haralson'.
  5. As Confluence does not allow white spaces in labels, you can use a dash character ('-') or an underscore character ('_') to separate words from each other. The Scroll Exporter will convert both characters to a whitespace.
  6. To explicitly define a dash or underscore character in an index term, use the backslash character ('\') to mask it.
    • The label Apple/Red-Delicious will be converted into a primary index term 'Fruits', and a secondary index term 'Red Delicious'.
    • The label Apple/Red\-Delicious will be converted into a primary index term 'Fruits', and a secondary index term 'Red-Delicious' (albeit not orthographically correct).

The labels will be used as index terms in your exports.

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