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Configuring the CHM Compiler

Scroll CHM Exporter requires the Microsoft HTML Workshop and its CHM compiler library hhc.exe, which is available on Windows systems by default.

Configuring the CHM Compiler Path in Confluence

  1. In the Confluence administration, open the CHM Compiler Configuration page, and click Edit.

    CHM Compiler Path

    Make sure the path to the CHM Compiler hhc.exe matches the path within the Wine environment. 

    In most cases, even when running on Wine, this value is equivalent to the path provided in the field description text: C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe

    (info) This path is defined in full Windows-style (C: and with backslashes) – even when running Confluence on Linux / Mac OS X!

    Wine Executable

    Only when running CHM Compiler in Wine environment: Make sure the path to the Wine executable is correct.

    Wine must be installed on non-Windows servers using the Linux Package Manager or Homebrew on Mac.

    • Linux: typically /usr/bin/wine
    • Mac OS X with Homebrew: /usr/local/bin/wine
    Wine Root Drive letter

    Only when running CHM Compiler in Wine environment: Make sure this value matches your Wine's root drive letter.

    (info) By default, Wine sets up Z: as drive letter for the Linux or Mac OX X filesystem root.

  2. Click Save.

Configuring CHM Compiler on Unix Systems

If your Confluence instance is running under Linux or other Unix operating systems (like Mac OS X), you need to set up a Wine environment including the CHM Compiler.

To install and setup the CHM Compiler in a Wine environment, see Installing Microsoft HTML Workshop under Wine.



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