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Installing Microsoft HTML Workshop under Wine

Support Limitation

While we made good experiences running the Microsoft CHM Compiler using Wine we can not guarantee its operation due to a lot of possible combinations of operating systems and Wine versions and configurations. If you install Wine on your Confluence server and it can not run the Microsoft CHM Compiler we might not be able to help you in the scope of our product support.

Please use an evaluation license of Scroll CHM Exporter to verify if you can use the product on your Confluence server. If you need further compatibility information, please have a look at the Wine AppDB page on Microsoft HTML Workshop.

If your Confluence instance is running under Linux or other Unix operating systems (like Mac OS X), you need to set up a Wine environment including the CHM Compiler.

Before you begin: Make sure you have properly installed Wine on your Confluence server.

To setup and configure Microsoft HTML Workshop under Wine for the first time, perform the following steps:

  1. When Wine has never been executed before, the default Wine environment doesn't exist. Then run the winecfg command to set up an environment.
    Typically, the Wine environment is created here:
    Mac OS X/Users/<USERNAME>/.wine
    (info) Please note: drive_c is mapped to c: in the Wine configuration commandlin tool winecfg.

  2. Make sure you have cabextract installed (
  3. Open the Wine configuration tool using the winecfg command, and perform the following steps:
    1. Set the Windows version to Windows 2000 (or above).
    2. Add library overrides to use the native versions for itss.dll and itircl.dll.
  4. Download htmlhelp.exe from the internet archive - click here to download
  5. Install this library using the following command from the download directory:

    wine htmlhelp.exe
  6. Extract and register native libraries:

    cabextract -F hhupd.exe htmlhelp.exe
    cabextract -F itircl.dll hhupd.exe
    cabextract -F itss.dll hhupd.exe

    With a 32 bit Wine installation:

    32 bit Wine

    cp -a itircl.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/
    cp -a itss.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/
    wine regsvr32 /s 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\itircl.dll'
    wine regsvr32 /s 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\itss.dll'

    Or with a 64 bit Wine installation:

    64 bit Wine

    cp -a itircl.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/syswow64/ 
    cp -a itss.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/syswow64/ 
    wine regsvr32 /s 'C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\itircl.dll' 
    wine regsvr32 /s 'C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\itss.dll'
  7. Download Microsoft Foundation Classes update, extract it, and install it. Please note we are not allowed to distribute the file so you would have to obtain the file some other way (ie. Microsoft website).

    wine mfc40.exe
    wget -N
    cabextract -F mfc40.exe
    cabextract -F mfc40.dll mfc40.exe

    With a 32 bit Wine installation:

    32 bit Wine

    cp -a mfc40.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/

    Or with a 64 bit Wine installation:

    64 bit Wine

    cp -a mfc40.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/syswow64/

Example (Mac OS X)

After successful installation and configuration on Mac OS X, your .wine directory should look like this:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.