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Exporting to CHM

Before you begin: Before exporting to CHM, please check that you have created an export scheme.

To export to CHM:

  1. Open the space you want to export.
  2. Click Tools > Export to CHM.
    The screen Export to CHM is displayed.
  3. Select the export scheme.
  4. If you want to customize the settings, click Customize Settings. For more information about the several fields and check boxes, see Explanation of the Export Settings.
  5. Click Start Export.
    A progress bar is displayed showing you the progress of your export.
  6. When the export is done, click Save File in the pop-up.
    The export is saved on your local disk.

You've successfully exported your content to CHM. You can save the settings as new Export Scheme, get the REST URL, or manage your existing Export Schemes.

Explanation of the Export Settings 

The following table lists the description of the default settings:

Choose a template

Select the template you want to use.

ExportThis page and its children

Activate this option, if you want to export the page you have clicked the button Export to CHM in, and all the children of this page.

Only this page

Activate this option, if you just want to export the page you have clicked the button Export to CHM in.

This page and all children with label ...Activate this option, if you want to export the page you have clicked the button Export to CHM in, and all children with (a) certain label(s).
Enter a space separated list of labels in the opened field. To exclude certain labels, prepend the ^ character to the label. For example 'admin_guide ^draft' will include pages with label 'admin_guide' but not draft.
(info) If a page is not included in the export due to its labels, none of its children pages is included even if having the respective label(s).
Content ProcessingMacrosOutput toc macros

Clear this check box, if you want to exclude all macros creating tables of content from the export.

Output children macros

Clear this check box, if you want to exclude all macros creating listings of children pages from the export.

Output section macros as table

Select this check box, if you want to exclude all macros creating listings of children pages from the export.

Output numberedheadings macrosSelect this check box, if you want to output the numbering of the Numbered Headings macro.

ImagesExport images with original resolution

Select this check box, if you want to automatically convert thumbnail images to full size images.

Index TermsConvert Labels to Index Terms

Select this check box, if you want to automatically use the page labels as index terms.

AdvancedMerge single, first heading and page title

Select this check box, if you want to automatically convert the page title to Heading 1. For more information, see How Scroll Handles Headings.

CHM Compiler
Project Language

Select the language for the generated CHM file. This setting affects the display of non-latin characters in the help viewer's built-in table of contents (TOC) and its keyword index.

You can choose between a set of default languages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish). To set a custom project language, see below.

Ad hoc WorkflowsAd hoc WorkflowsOnly published versionsSelect this check box, if you want to export only pages that have been marked as published with the Comala Document Management app.
(info) This option is only active, if workflows are activated for this space.

Setting a Custom CHM Project Language 

Because the CHM format requires to set an encoding to properly display TOC and keyword index entries, you might need to set the CHM export option Project Language to a custom value:

  1. In the Scroll CHM Exporter's export settings, open the CHM Compiler tab.
  2. In the Project Language dropdown list, select Enter custom language.
  3. In Language ID, enter the LCID (Locale ID) of your desired language. A list of languages and their LCID is available here:
    Example: 0x041f for Turkish
  4. In Encoding, set the corresponding character encoding of your CHM project. A list of supported encodings is available here:
    Example: windows-1254 for Windows Turkish.
  5. Click Start Export.
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