Publish to an Existing Space
In this publishing approach, you'll author in a versioned space and publish a space version to an existing unversioned space that has been previously created using publish to a new space.
Publishing Process
When you publish the new space version to an existing space, already published pages are updated and new pages are added. To make sure correct pages are updated, Scroll Versions matches pages from the master space and the target space using an internal ID. If a matching ID is detected, the new version of the page is published to the target space as a page revision. If there is no matching page in the target space, the page is instead added as a new page in the target space.
Things to keep in mind
If you mark a page as removed in a space version within the author space, this page will also be deleted in the target space when you publish the space version.
Here are some perks that might be a reason to use this approach:
- You can have additional pages in the target space and they won't be impacted by publishing from the master space.
Your documentation is available under a single unique URL.
You can reorder pages in the target space freely, without needing to do so in the master space.
Publishing Options
When publishing to an existing space, you can choose from multiple options that affect your published content:
Options | Explanation |
Send notifications | When selected, all users watching pages in the source space or target space are notified by Confluence if the content is being modified. |
Publish labels | When selected, labels of the version being published, can be published to the existing space in one of two ways:
Keep authors and dates | When selected, creators, editors, and the time of the last edit are copied from the space version being published. If not selected, only the publishing user and time will change. |
Remove attachments | When selected, the attachments previously added to the target space are removed in the publishing process, only the latest versions of attachments remain. |
Publish only complete pages | When selected, all versioned pages with workflow status "Complete" are copied and added to the existing space. However, please note, that sub-pages are not published if the parent page doesn't have the workflow status "Complete". When Publish only complete pages is selected, Also publish complete child pages displays. When this sub-option is selected, versioned pages with status "Complete" are published even if their parent page does not have the workflow status "Complete". This means missing parent pages are skipped and the child pages are added under the closest published parent page. |
Also publish complete child pages | |
Publish hierarchy | When selected, the hierarchy of pages in the source space is published to the target space. This means the parent-child relationship of pages and the order of child pages in the source space is copied to the target space. |
Publish Hierarchy
The Publish hierarchy option requires a bit more explanation. When publishing a version to an existing space you can choose to publish the hierarchy of your a space to a target space. If you publish with this option selected, the target space's hierarchy is changed to match the source space's hierarchy. There is a new item in the preview that indicates a page and its siblings have been reordered.
Things to keep in mind
- If you want to only update content in your target space, don't select Publish hierarchy.
- When publishing to an existing space without publishing the hierarchy, new pages are always saved as the last page in the page tree.
When publishing the hierarchy with parent pages that are missing in the existing space, the hierarchy published in the target space is as close to the source space as possible. As soon as an additional ancestor is published, its child pages are moved beneath it, replicating the original hierarchy in the target space as closely as possible.
When publishing the hierarchy where there are pages existing only in the target space, the existing page appear after the pages published from the source space.