Move a Versioned Page
You can move a versioned page the same way you move a normal page, using the Tools menu.
Versioned pages can only be moved within the same space. To move the content to a different space, publish the page to that space. See Publishing to an existing space for more details.
As a Doc-Admin, you can either move a page under a new parent page or change the sequential order of a page. If you want to keep this hierarchy when publishing to an existing space, please make sure to activate the check box Publish hierarchy in your publishing settings.
As mentioned above, you can only move versioned pages within the same space, not across spaces. You also can't have multiple hierarchies in different versions.
However, these requirements are already tracked in our JIRA system:
You can only move pages that do not have any explicit restrictions defined (the parent page may have restrictions), unless you have 'add restrictions' permission (see CONF-26138):
You can not move pages in a new space managed with Scroll Versions without publishing to the same space (because every page is restricted).
You can move master pages after publishing to the same space (because restrictions from master pages are removed after publishing).
Changing the Sequential Order of a Page
If you also want to change the sequential order of a page in the page tree, you have to move the page via Tools > View in Hierarchy.
Use this functionality with caution, as Scroll Versions will not be able to interpret versioned pages correctly if they are not saved as a child page of their corresponding master page.
To switch back to the normal Confluence view, click a page in the tree view.
Related articles
- Delete All Versions of a Page
- Work with Unversioned Pages
- Pages Created When Versioning a Page
- Remove Unversioned Pages
- Change the Version of a Page
- Repair Links to Change Pages
- Freeze a Version
- Pages Created When Versioning a Page
- Freeze a Version
- Remove Unversioned Pages
- Change the Version of a Page
- Repair Links to Change Pages
- Work with Unversioned Pages
- Delete All Versions of a Page