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Creating a XML Export of a Space

This page explains how to export a whole space to XML file format. The resulting ZIP file contains the content of the space, including attachments, and it could help the K15t support team to resolve your issue more quickly.

To create the support file, you must log in with either specific Space permissions or Global permissions. Please navigate to the correct section on this page to generate the export for your Confluence hosting type/version:

Confluence Server / Data Center

Confluence v8.3 or newer

Generate a space XML from within the space

To create an XML export of a space from the space it requires specific space permissions or global admin permissions.

  1. Click on Space tools (bottom left hand corner)
  2. Select Content Tools > Backup
  3. Then, provide a File name prefix and then select Back up
  4. Confirm the Back up in the next step
  5. Once completed, download the XML export for the space from the available File name download link

  6. A zipped archive of XML files will then be downloaded and this can be shared with the K15t Support Team.
Generate a space XML from the Confluence administration

To create an XML export of a space from the Confluence General configuration it requires global admin permissions.

  1. Click the cog icon (top right corner) and select General configuration
  2. Then, navigate to Backup and restore in the left sidebar
  3. Click Backup site or spaces
  4. Click Spaces in the section titled What do you want to back up?
  5. Choose the space(s) which you wish to download the XML export for from the drop-down
  6. Provide a File name prefix and then select Back up
  7. Confirm the Back up in the next step
  8. Once completed, download the XML export for the space(s) from the available File name download link
  9. A zipped archive of XML files will then be downloaded and this can be shared with the K15t Support Team.

Confluence v8.2 or older

To create an XML export of a space it requires either specific Space permissions or Confluence Global permissions.

  1. Open a space and click Space Tools > Content Tools

  2. Click Export
  3. Click XML and Next >>
  4. Click Full Export
  5. Click Export.

A zipped archive of XML files is created. When the export has finished, Confluence will offer you the option to download the zip file.

Confluence Cloud

To create an XML export of a space:

  1. Open a space and click Space Settings > Manage Space

  2. Click Export Space
  3. Click XML and Next >>
  4. Click Full Export
  5. Click Export.

A zipped archive of XML files is created. When the export has finished, Confluence will offer you the option to download the zip file.

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