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Enabling Performance Logging

To get more debugging information on Scroll plugin issues in the Confluence log file, you have to change the logging configuration in your Confluence system. You can change the logging configuration while your Confluence system is running.


As the changes are not written persistently to the log4j configuration file, they are reverted when you restart your Confluence System. You have to configure the logging again after restarting your Confluence system.

Before you begin: To enable the performance logging, you must log in with Confluence Admin permissions.

  1. Click the cog icon at top right of the screen and select Confluence Admin.
    The Administration Console is displayed.
  2. In the Administration section, click Logging and Profiling.
    The Logging and Profiling screen is displayed. For more information about the screen, see Configuring Logging in the Atlassian Confluence documentation.
  3. Enter 'com.k15t.scroll.profiling' in the field Class/Package Name, in the New Level drop-down select INFO and click Add Entry.
    The class 'com.k15t.scroll.profiling' is displayed in the Existing Levels list.

The logging configuration is changed and you will get additional information in your log-file about each exported page and each performed step the exporter does.

For example:

2013-11-29 13:42:13,499 INFO [pool-6-thread-1] [com.k15t.scroll.profiling] performExport Export timing statistics:
Aggregated          Render              Build               Export              Page title
14063 ms            1085 ms             11 ms               101 ms              Welcome to the Confluence Demonstration Space
  95 ms               69 ms               5 ms                21 ms               A Note to Confluence Administrators
  5433 ms             174 ms              16 ms               69 ms               Tutorial
    369 ms              224 ms              78 ms               67 ms               Using the Dashboard
    261 ms              157 ms              41 ms               63 ms               Using the Menus
    180 ms              123 ms              51 ms               6 ms                Creating a Space
    204 ms              144 ms              33 ms               27 ms               Creating a Page
    209 ms              132 ms              58 ms               19 ms               Adding Content to a Page
    1979 ms             138 ms              49 ms               1792 ms             Updating your User Profile
    117 ms              85 ms               26 ms               6 ms                Adding a Comment to a Page
    154 ms              113 ms              35 ms               6 ms                Creating a Blog Post
    1701 ms             1376 ms             277 ms              48 ms               Tutorial (all on one page)
  53 ms               45 ms               4 ms                4 ms                Advanced Topics
  4050 ms             53 ms               9 ms                80 ms               Setting up Confluence for Your Team
    954 ms              304 ms              255 ms              395 ms              Creating your Technical Documentation Space
    1577 ms             400 ms              628 ms              466 ms              Creating your Intranet Space
      83 ms               50 ms               9 ms                24 ms               Josh
    1377 ms             341 ms              394 ms              642 ms              Creating your Knowledge Base Space
  3177 ms             75 ms               10 ms               47 ms               Extending Confluence
    969 ms              460 ms              244 ms              265 ms              Plugins for Documentation
    1238 ms             798 ms              187 ms              253 ms              Plugins for Intranets
    838 ms              357 ms              208 ms              273 ms              Plugins for Knowledge Base
  43 ms               39 ms               1 ms                3 ms                More information
  2 ms                1 ms                0 ms                1 ms                Feature B
  2 ms                2 ms                0 ms                0 ms                Feature X
  2 ms                1 ms                0 ms                1 ms                Feature Y
  3 ms                2 ms                0 ms                1 ms                Feature a
  3 ms                2 ms                0 ms                1 ms                Feature C
  3 ms                2 ms                0 ms                1 ms                Release Notes
Page selection step took 0 milliseconds.
Final step took 3798 milliseconds.

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