Add error templates
If an error occurs while rendering the page, Scroll Viewport locates the appropriate error template to render that error.
Creating Velocity templates for error pages
Create a new Velocity template called error.vm, then fill it with the following content and upload it:
Creating a default error-page
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>$statusCode - $statusText</title>
<h1>$statusCode - $statusText</h1>
<p>An error occurred</p>
Redirect to another page
To redirect from an error page to another page, implement the following code into your error page:
Redirecting from an error 404 page to the homepage
#if ($statusCode == 404)
<script>window.location = "$";</script>
In this example, the user would be redirected to the homepage of the space if an 404 error occurs.