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"Share the page" in a Viewport

tiny URL is not accessible; this code outputs the viewport URL.

  1. Add the following to the theme's HTML <head> (parts of it might already be in the theme):

    <meta name="ajs-page-id" content="$">
    <meta name="ajs-content-id" content="$">
    <link rel="shortlink" href="$page.absoluteLink">
    #if ($page.type == 'page')
    <meta name="ajs-content-type" content="page">
    #elseif ($page.type == 'blog')
    <meta name="ajs-content-type" content="blog">
  2. Add the following to wherever you want it to appear in your page:

    <a id="shareContentLink" href="#" class="aui-button aui-button-subtle share">
    <span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-share"></span>

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