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Server and Cloud Differences

Learn about the differences between the Server and Cloud versions of Scroll Viewport.

Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud only supports the Help Center theme – which means the WebHelp theme or custom themes can't be migrated.


URL Settings

Legend(tick) – Available | (error) – Unavailable | (warning) – Partially available



Server/Data Center



Custom Domain

The site can be accessed through a specified, custom domain.



Domain path segment

The site can be accessed at a specified path (leading slash required). For example, if you enter /my-viewport the viewport is available at



The Viewport site on Confluence Cloud will by default available under:

The path segment can be changed to a custom name.

Page Path Construction

A page path can be constructed in two different ways:

  • Hierarchical - the hierarchy of the pages in the space are reflected in the URL, e.g.

  • Flat - all URLs are identified by the page id and the hierarchy is not reflected in the URL, e.g.



Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud offers the Flat Page Path as the only option currently.

We believe that in Help Centers it's likely that pages are moved in the hierarchy or renamed. In the Hierarchical Path Construction this would break existing shared links. In the Flat Path Construction, however, even URLs of pages with an outdated page title are still resolved correctly as they are identified by a stabilized, URL-safe version of the page title.

URL Redirects

Functionality to defining permanent and temporary redirect from one URL to another.



Access Control



Server/Data Center




The site can only be accessed through a login. 



To restrict access to your site on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud you can currently choose from two authentication methods: access tokens and Single Sign-On.


Restricted pages are not accessible by anonymous users.



If the page isn't visible for the app user of Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud the page won't be picked you during the site generation process and therefor won't be published to the site. The page still can be previewed through the article preview over the byline icon.

Publishing Process



Server/Data Center



Automated update

Content between Confluence and the Viewport site is automatically updated after e.g. editing the page or changing the theme configuration.



In Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud you control exactly when you want to publish your content to the web.

Manual update

Content between Confluence and the Viewport site can be manually be updated.



Site preview

The configured Viewport can be previewed before they are published to the web.



In Scroll Viewport for Confluence Server this is limited to the Viewport configurations with the draft mode. Content changes are immediately published to the web once they are saved.
In Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud after the Viewport Site has been generated, the user can preview the Viewport configurations as well as the content changes before publishing the content to the web.

Preview report

The preview report shows possible issues with the generated Viewport site, like missing attachments on pages or unsupported macros. It lists the issues along with the Confluence pages that are affected by them.



Blog posts

Blog posts get published to the Viewport site.



Blog posts are currently not in the scope for a Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud site.



Pages do get published to the Viewport site.



All within a space are published to the Viewport site if they are accessible for the App user.


Attachments of pages are published to the Viewport site.



All attachments which are part of a page are published to the Viewport site.




Server/Data Center




Redirects to a defined URL if the page is entered via the Viewport.



To set up redirects for your help center articles on Cloud, please use the Redirect option in your Site Settings.


Adds common meta tags to a Viewport site.



This feature is currently not available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.

On Cloud, Viewport will generate meta titles and descriptions out of your Confluence content automatically. Learn more.

Viewport Form Macros

Displays an HTML form which sends the values to a predefined email if it is submitted.



Viewport Tabs

Displays content in tabs optimized for a Viewport.



Viewport Themes 



Server/Data Center



WebHelp theme

The WebHelp theme is a default theme which can be customized by editing the code of the theme.



Help Center theme

The Help Center theme is a default theme which can be configured by editing a settings file.



In Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud you get a UI to edit the settings for the theme instead of a text file.

Custom developed themes

Themes which contains custom code.



If the Help Center theme on Cloud doesn't fit your needs, please feel free to reach out via

We would like to hear from you and learn more about your requirements!

Download a theme

Download the theme code or configuration as a plugin JAR.



Install a theme

Upload a theme plugin JAR as a new app to make it available for Scroll Viewport.



Copy/save a theme

Copy or saving a theme to reuse the configurations for other Viewport sites.



Help Center Theme 



Server/Data Center




Custom CSS

Customize the theme by injecting custom CSS into the theme.



Only on Cloud, you also have the option to customize the CSS with the help of Design Tokens.

Custom JS

Customize the theme by injecting custom JS into the theme.



Cookie Notice Heading

Defining a custom heading for you cookie notice.

Setting: cookieNotice.heading





Group the spaces which are part of the help center into different categories and define a main category which is shown initially while the others are accessible by a dropdown item.

Setting on Server: portal.category.*
Setting on Cloud: Edit theme -> Templates -> Portal -> Tiles ordering



Group into categories


Filter by categories

On Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud it's possible to group your spaces into different categories. These categories will show up in your portal page but are not accessible or selectable via a dropdown menu.

Tile Size

Choose between different sizes of the tiles on your portal page.

Setting on Server: portal.layout
Setting on Cloud: Edit theme -> Templates -> Portal -> Tile size



Space Home Page

Topic tile with image

Top level pages with an excerpt macro on it which contains an image, do show the image on the space home page if the topic tiles are selected as a setting.



This feature is not currently available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.

Topic list max items

Defining the maximum shown pages of a topic lists.

Setting: spaceHomePage.topicType.list.maxItems



This feature is not available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.

Blog as news source

Setting the source for the news section to the blog, so that always the latest three blog posts are shown.




This feature is not available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.

Article Page

Drilldown Page tree

Beside the accordion there is a drilldown page tree type for the navigation in the article page.

Setting: article.pageTreeType



Theme-optimized display of Content by Label macro 

Content by label macro are optimized for a "related articles" section on articles.

On Server/Data Center

  • By activating the article.moveContentByLabelToSidebar setting, the content by label macro is moved to the right sidebar below the table of content.

On Cloud:




Search filter

Filter your search results by content sources / spaces



This feature is not currently available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Data Center.

Search is versions and variants aware

The search do respect the selected version and variant if Scroll Versions and the Scroll Search is activated




Exclude user group from Google tracking

Set a user group name to exclude those users from being tracked by Google Analytics to ensure a better tracking result.




Exclude version picker on specific variant

Define a standalone variant where the version picker will be hidden in the theme, if the variant is chosen. This is mostly used for variants where the variant doesn't have versions, like "cloud".

Setting: integrations.scrollVersions.variants.standAlone



Scroll PDF Export

Enables a PDF export button for article pages so users can export the pages from the Help Center with a given template.

Setting: integrations.scrollPdfExporter



This feature is not available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.




Server/Data Center


Scroll PDF Exporter

Able to start a Scroll PDF Export via a Scroll Viewport site.



This feature is not available on Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud.

Scroll Versions

A Viewport theme can display a version and variant picker and is aware if versions are published.



On Cloud, publishing of versioned content can be enabled with the Scroll Documents integration.

Scroll Translations

A Viewport theme can display a language picker for the different languages available in Scroll Translations.



On Cloud, publishing of translated content can be enabled with the Translations for Scroll Documents integration.

Comala Document Management

The Viewport will respect the status of the workflow state of a page.



Scroll Documents

A Viewport site can also be created with a Scroll Document as a content source.

Viewport will only display the versions and/or variants that are selected for the site. If more than one variant or version is selected, a version picker and/or variant picker is displayed in the header



Variants for Scroll Documents

A Viewport site can also be created with a Scroll Document and displays a version picker for the versions of that document. Also the Viewport site is aware of which versions should be published to the web.



Scroll ImageMap

Allow using image maps in a Viewport.



Orderly Databases

Orderly macros embedded on Confluence pages will show in Viewport articles.



Still Unclear? Reach Out to Us

If it's still unclear about which deployment is right for you, reach out to us via

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