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Set Viewing Permissions

Use Confluence and viewport permissions to display spaces as sites. You can define which internal users and groups can view and modify each space and set whether spaces are publicly available.

Scroll Viewport uses Confluence space permissions to determine who can see what.

  • When a user is logged in, they can only access viewports for spaces they have permission to access.
  • If you enable a space to be publicly accessible to anonymous users—those not logged in—they'll also be able to access the viewport for the space.

Learn more about space permissions.

Make a Space Accessible Online

You can make a space publicly accessible to use it as a website via it's viewport.

You need Confluence administrator permissions to set these permissions.

  1. First, enable public access to your Confluence site. We recommend you don't allow anonymous users to see user profiles. Enable anonymous access to your Confluence site.

    Enabling public access doesn't mean people can access all your Confluence content on the internet, it just means specified spaces can be made available for public access. Whew!

  2. Now, make your spaces publically accessible as part of your help center. Someone with the 'Admin' space permission in each space must grant public access to the space by assigning the 'View Space' permission to anonymous users.

Restrict Confluence Access

By default, users can access the viewport and Confluence view of a space. This might not be ideal in cases where you want most users to only be able to access the space as a website using the viewport. In this case, you can restrict Confluence access to a select group of individual users or a group of users.

Learn more.

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