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Theme Properties

Themes have properties that constitute metadata or influence the way they are rendered. The theme developer can set some of these in a properties file named at the root level of their theme. The file must be encoded in UTF-8.

The following table documents the available properties, their default value, and their effect.

Property KeyDescriptionDefault Value
theme.plugin.keyThe key of the plug-in when the theme is downloaded as a JAR file.A slugified version of the theme name.
theme.plugin.nameThe name of the plug-in when the theme is downloaded as a JAR file.<theme-name> - Scroll Viewport Theme
theme.plugin.versionThe version of the plug-in when the theme is downloaded as a JAR file.1.0
theme.plugin.module.keyThe module key of the theme in the plug-in when the theme is downloaded as a JAR file.Same as the plug-in key.
theme.descriptionA textual description of the theme. 
theme.enableViewportControlControls whether the Viewport Control is enabled in the theme.true


TEXT Viewport Theme Plugin
theme.description=This is my first Viewport Theme.



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