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What Browsers Do Viewport Sites Support?

Scroll Viewport sites will work on most browsers and devices. However, to ensure the best use experience, we recommend using browsers that are fully supported.

Supported Browser Versions

We fully support all versions of major browsers that were released in the last two years. Major browsers are:


  • Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Safari for macOS


  • Chrome for Android

  • Safari for iOS

What If I’m Using an Unsupported Browser?

If you are using an unsupported browser or browser version, some features of your Scroll Viewport site might not display or work as intended.

If you are experiencing an issue, we recommend upgrading your current browser or trying out a different, supported browser. If the issue persists, please reach out to

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.