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What Is Scroll's AI Search?

We are building an AI powered search for Scroll Viewport.

The AI search integrates seamlessly with the current search experience and enables users to search in natural language and get human-readable responses that summarize relevant content across different articles.

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

How does the AI search work?

It is built on top of the OpenAI Platform. It leverages the existing articles and documents in the help center to respond to queries in natural language. It summarizes information across articles.

How do I start using the AI search in Viewport?

For now, you can test an experimental version of the AI search on our Help Center. If interested, you can also sign up for an Early Access Program (EAP). We will reach out to you as soon as we can.

When can I start using the AI search?

It’s difficult to share an exact timeline as we are still in very early phases, but we are aspiring to start a closed Early Access Program (EAP) in the second half of 2024.

Pricing & packaging

Is it a separate product? Will I have to install it separately.

No! It’s not a separate product, but will be part of existing Scroll apps, e.g. Scroll Viewport.

Do I have to pay for it separately? Or will it be included in the subscription price?

It’s too early in the process. We are still evaluating the different possibilities and will be able to communicate as we learn more.

Privacy & security

Does the K15t Privacy Policy apply to AI search?

Not in its current experimental form. But, it will once we go into General Availability (GA)

Does the K15t Terms of Service apply to AI search?

Not in its current experimental form. But, it will once we go into GA

Does the AI search store customer data?

We do not store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). However, for now, we are storing the prompts and responses used to interact with the AI search. We use the data to improve the accuracy and reliability of the AI search. For more information see Open AI’s Privacy Policy

Does K15t send customer data to OpenAI’s platform to train its services?

No! Scroll AI does not send any customer data to OpenAI’s platform to train its services.

The only information that is sent to OpenAI’s platform is the content already published in the Help Center and the data is not used to train Open AI’s services. See OpenAI’s Enterprise Privacy Policy.

Additionally, we do not process or send any personal information.

What are you using my inputs and outputs for?

Besides being sent to Open AI’s API, the input and output are logged in our system. We use it to improve the accuracy and reliability of the AI search.

Are you using my inputs and outputs to train the AI search?

No! We do not use your input and outputs to train Scroll AI.

Does the AI search use my data to serve other customers?

No! We do not use your data to serve other customers.

Can I limit the data or restrict the data that is shared with the AI search?

We currently only offer opt-out controls at the Site. If opted out, we will default to the default search shipped with Scroll Viewport.

Known Limitations

  • Scroll Viewport’s AI search is currently in an experimental state and may produce incorrect answers. Always verify the output before executing.

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