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How Does Scroll Viewport Construct URLs?

Sites published with Scroll Viewport use human-readable and SEO-friendly URLs that can be customized.

URLs for Space Content Sources

For a space content source the URL is constructed as follows:

https:// your-company . / content-source / article

If all or some of your Viewport URLs look different, your site might include URLs in the legacy format.

The URL consists of the following segments:

  • Subdomain, e.g. your-company: This URL segment is a unique string of URL-safe characters. It is chosen upon site creation and can be changed in Site settings.

  • Domain, e.g By default, all Scroll Viewport sites carry this segment in their URL. You can also choose to Connect a Custom Domain .

  • Content source segment: This segment is a string of URL-safe characters and must be unique per site. By default it is set to the space key or document title but can be specified when the content source is added to the site and modified anytime after.

  • Article segment: By default, this part is derived from a URL-safe version of the Confluence page title. The default segment is set when the page is first added to a Viewport site and does not change when the Confluence page title changes. To ensure this stability, make sure that Scroll Viewport has view and edit permissions for the page(s) or set a custom article segment manually.

What URL-safe characters are allowed for the article segment?

Viewport will only allow the following URL-safe characters in the article segment of the published URL:

  • alphanumeric characters:

    • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    • a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

  • the following special characters:

    • -

    • _

    • .

If any other special characters are present in the page title (like ß or ?), then Viewport will omit them completely in the published URL or in the cases of accented characters, fall back to the “base character” (e.g. ç will become c).

Please note that your URLs might also include a language-code before the content source segment if your site includes Scroll Documents with enabled languages (see below).

URLs for Scroll Document Content Sources

For a Scroll Document content source your URLs will look at follows:

/ content-source / version / variant / article

  • The version segment is always part of the URL for your document content sources, even if only one version is selected for the Viewport site.

  • The variant segment is only part of the URL if the document has variants set up in Confluence.

By default, the version and variant segments are set to the version name and variant name that you have defined in Scroll Documents. You can customize these values when adding and editing your content sources in Scroll Viewport.

Additionally, a language-code will be added to the URL of all your content sources if languages are enabled on your site and if languages are also enabled for at least one of the site’s content sources.

The language code is added before the content source segment:

/ language-code / content-source / version / variant / article

The language code can’t be customized.

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