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Scroll Placeholders

You can insert a range of placeholders into your templates to modify the export. Templates can be added within the Document Sections using the + icon in the editor toolbar or via the / or { keyboard shortcuts.  Placeholders reference metadata, and insert this metadata into content boxes.

Can't find a placeholder?

If you need to reference content that isn't available from our current selection of template placeholders please check out how to create custom template placeholders here.

Default placeholders

The following placeholders are available to all PDF exporter users:

Chapter Heading

Displays the current chapter's heading (Heading 1).

Content Property

The specified content property on the root page.

You cannot set content properties manually by yourself – they are only set by third party add-ons.

  • Not available on Confluence Cloud.
Creation date

Displays the creation date of the current page.

Creator UsernameDisplays the username of the creator of the current page.
  • Only available in Content section for templates.
Creator Full NameDisplays the full name of the creator of the current page.
  • Only available in Content section for templates.

Current page number

Displays the number of the current page in this document.

  • Choose the page numbering format - numbers, letters or roman numerals
Document Creation DateDisplays the creation date of the exported root page.
Document Creator UsernameDisplays the username of the creator of the exported root page.
Document Creator Full NameDisplays the full name of the creator of the exported root page.
Document Last Modifier UsernameDisplays the username of the last modifier of the exported root page.
Document Last Modifier Full NameDisplays the full name of the last modifier of the exported root page.
Document Last Modification DateDisplays the last modification date of the exported root page.
Document Page IDDisplays the ID of the exported root page.

Document Page Count

Displays the total number of pages in this document.

Choose the page numbering format - numbers, letters or roman numerals

Document RevisionDisplays the revision of the exported root page.

Document Title

Displays the page title of the exported root page.

Document URLDisplays the document's Confluence URL.
  • Select between the full URL or a tiny URL, and display the link as the plain URL text, the page name, or custom text.
Export DateDisplays the date when the export was created.
Export User UsernameDisplays the username of the user who performed the export.
Export User Full NameDisplays the full name of the user who performed the export.
Include pageInsert the content of a certain page.
  • Specify the space key of the included page
  • Specify page title
  • Add a heading offset number, which is added to the rank of the heading on that page (e.g. if offset = 2, a heading 1 becomes a heading 3.)
IndexDisplays an index with the index terms you defined for this export.
JSON Content Property

The specified JSON content property on the root page. This refers to properties available at:


The placeholder returns the contents of the value field. For further information, please see the Atlassian docs for Cloud and Server/Datacenter.

(Optional) Specify a JSON Pointer to extract a specific field of a JSON structure. The path/JSON pointer of the content needs to be defined with a forward slash.

For example, if the value of a property is:

    "hello": "world",
    "foo": ["bar", "baz"]

Then you may use paths like these to extract the following values:


/foo/0 bar

Last Modification DateThe last modification date of the current page.
Last Modifier UsernameDisplays the username of the last modifier of the current page.
  • Only available in Content section for templates.
Last Modifier Full NameDisplays the full name of the last modifier of the current page.
  • Only available in Content section for templates.


The specified Metadata value on the root page (Server / Data Center versions only)
  • Enable the Space Home Fallback option to use a page property on space home page if it is not defined on export root page
  • Within the Alternate text field you can enter specific text to show if the page property does not exist on the export root page or space home page
  • This placeholder requires an additional app, Comala Metadata for Confluence Server / Data Center
Page Content StateDisplays the state of the current page or blogpost
  • Only available on Confluence Cloud
Page IDDisplays the ID of the current page
  • Only available in Content section for templates.
Page Revision

Displays the revision of the current page.

  • Only available in Content section for templates.
Page PropertyDisplays the specified page property on the root page.
Page TitleDisplays the current page title.
  • Only available in Content section for templates.
PDF Author

Displays the value that is set in the PDF Author parameter within the Export Properties

PDF KeywordsDisplays the value that is set in the PDF Keywords parameter within the Export Properties
PDF SubjectDisplays the value that is set in the PDF Subject parameter within the Export Properties
PDF TitleDisplays the value that is set in the PDF Title parameter within the Export Properties
Space DescriptionDisplays the description of the space that contains the exported pages.
Space KeyDisplays the Confluence space key for the exported pages.
Space logoThe logo of the exported space (or a fallback logo if none is defined).
  • Define the size
  • Select a fallback logo for if no space logo is defined
  • Choose if you want the logo to be rounded or square
Space NameDisplays the name of the Confluence space that the content belongs to.

Section Heading

Displays the current section's heading (Heading 2).

Table of Contents

Displays a table of contents for the document.

  • Control the depth of the TOC and define how many heading levels should be displayed. This number is shown on the placeholder.
Table of CodesDisplays a table of Code Blocks for the document
Table of EquationsDisplays a table of Equations for the document
Table of Figures

Displays a table of figures for the document

Table of TablesDisplays a table of tables for the document
Template TitlePrints the name of the export template
Template Last Modification DateDisplays the last modification date of the export template used.

Scroll Document placeholders

If you are using Scroll Documents you can use the following placeholders in your template:

Document ID (Scroll Documents)Displays the ID of the exported document
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the exported document ID is unavailable
Document Title (Scroll Documents)Displays the title of the exported Scroll Document
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the exported document title is unavailable
Variant Name (Scroll Documents)Displays the name of the exported variant
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the variant name is unavailable
  • The use of variants in Scroll Documents requires an extension app, Variants for Scroll Documents
Language (Scroll Documents)Displays the language of the exported version
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the variant name is unavailable
  • The use of translations in Scroll Documents requires an extension app, Translations for Scroll Documents
Version Name (Scroll Documents)Displays the name of the exported version
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the version name is unavailable
Version Saved Date (Scroll Documents)Displays the ID of the exported version
Version Status (Scroll Documents)Displays the status of the exported version
  • Define an Alternate text as a fallback if the version status is unavailable

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