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Authoring Language

The authoring language is the first language you define in a Scroll Document. If you combine Scroll Documents with Translations for Scroll Documents, you can add languages and translations to your documentation. The authoring language is the language you are basing your future translations on.

For more information, read Define Languages.




Conditional content

Conditional content is content that only appears when a certain variant is selected. With Scroll Documents and Variants for Scroll Documents, you can define label based rules to decide which articles and paragraphs that should appear when a certain variant is selected.





Simply put, a Scroll Document (a.k.a document) lives in a Confluence space, and is a container for your documentation page tree and all its versions.

A Scroll Document always starts out with a Working version and is represented in the form of a card in the Document Library.

Documentation Page Tree

A documentation page tree on the other hand refers to the scope of pages within a Confluence space that represent a set of related content that you want to version and manage together.

The Documentation page tree can be configured as one of the following:

  • A single page

  • A sub-set of the space page tree

  • The entire space page tree

When you create a new Scroll Document the documentation page tree is added as the Working version of the document.

Documentation Root Page

In Scroll Documents, the top-level page of your documentation is known as the root page. This may vary depending on the scope of your documentation in Confluence. E.g.

  • If your documentation consists of only a single page, then this page is considered as the root page.

  • If your documentation is organized in a page tree within a space, then the top-level page of the tree is considered as the root page.

  • If an entire space represents your documentation, then the space home page is considered as the root page.

In case you add any pages below the document root page in the future, Scroll Documents will consider them a part of the documentation, and will be subject to versioning.





The Document Library is the home for all documents created within your space. It enables you to access, organize, classify, and filter documents from one place.

Document library with two documents





The Document Manager is where you manage your documentation, along with all its versions, variants, and translations. It is like the “command center” for your document within your space.

Document manager with a Working version and one saved version





A version prefix is the number added to the titles of all the pages that are created by Scroll Documents. In Confluence, it’s not possible for two pages to have the same title in a single space. For this reason, Scroll Documents adds a prefix to every page in a version of a document to work around this limitation.

For more information, read Why Do I Need a Prefix When Creating, Copying, or Saving a Version of a Document?





The Document Reader is a dedicated view of your document and all its versions. The Document Reader is an ideal way to read, share, and export your document with your readers in Confluence.

A Document Reader always displays the latest approved version of your documentation by default.

The Document reader is a legacy feature that will eventually be sunsetted and is now hidden in the user interface. We recommend transitioning away from this feature and exploring alternative solutions. To learn more about why it's being phased out, what to use as a replacement, and how to unhide it if necessary, see: Scroll Documents Legacy Features




Scroll Page Details

Scroll Page Details is a feature located in the page byline of Confluence. It provides key information about a page's relation to Scroll Documents, including:

  • Whether the page is part of a document. If so, it also indicates:

    • If the page belongs to a variant.

    • If the page has been translated into other languages.

    • If the page has a Scroll Page Title.

To learn more, see: Navigate the App

Scroll Page Ttile

Scroll Page Title is a feature that enables you to assign a secondary title to a Confluence page. This title appears in Scroll Viewport and Scroll Exports and can be used across multiple pages.

To learn more, read: Add Scroll Page Titles





The Document toolbox is a quick actions menu for your Scroll Document. The toolbox can be found on each Confluence page in your document. It contains shortcuts to different document features such as the Document Manager, Compare Versions, and more.

To learn more, see: Navigate the App





A variant is a scoped documentation page tree. Instead of including all pages of your page tree, it only includes content that is specific to the variant (e.g. a target audience or product type).

For more information, read Manage Variants.




Working version

Think of the Working version as the continuously progressing version of your documentation. You will use this version to prepare changes to your documentation and save a version once complete.

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