Preview Variants
If your article uses conditional content that varies across different variants, the Variant preview in Scroll Documents' Scroll Page Details lets you see how the page will look in each variant before publishing or exporting.
What the Variant Preview Shows
The Variant preview shows you:
Which Scroll Conditional Content and Scroll Conditional Content Inline macros will be visible when you publish to Scroll Viewport, a Confluence space, or export with Scroll Exporter apps.
Whether the current page is a part of the selected variant.
How to Preview a Variant
To preview a variant, follow the steps below:
Click Scroll Page Details.

Find the Variant preview tab.
Select the variant you want to preview.
This will show you a preview of the page with only the conditional content for that variant visible. The conditional content macros will be labeled ‘Previewing.’

Exit the Preview
To see all variants again, click the cross mark in the Variant preview tab within the Scroll Page Details.