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Insert an Export Button

To follow this guide, you must first install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app

You must install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app to use the option outlined in this guide.

This guide describes how to add a export button onto a Confluence page. The export button automatically creates an export of a page (or a page and its children) when clicked. You can set the exported page to be any page in your Confluence system.

Viewport Cloud User?

Please note, that the Scroll Export Button macro is not yet compatible with Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud. For introducing export capability with cloud Viewport sites we have the following open feature request - VPC-88

Insert and configure the export button

  1. Firstly, insert a Scroll Export Button macro onto the page
  2. Configure the macro:

    Add-onChoose which add-on to export with.
    Template ID

    The ID of the template you want to use for the export.

    • In Scroll PDF Exporter, find the ID by clicking Space Tools > Add-ons >Scroll PDF Exporter, finding the template you want to use, and clicking Template Information in the actions dropdown menu.
    Export scope

    Select current to only export the chosen page, and descendants to export the chosen page and its descendants.

    If you leave this blank, the template's default export scope will be used or, if it has none, the descendants setting will be used.

    ContentThe page or blog post to export – this page can be from any space in the Confluence system.
    CaptionWrite a caption for the button.
  3. Save the page, and you can click the export button to perform an export with the configured settings.
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